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Health Suraksha Health Insurance Coverage Features


Health Suraksha Health Insurance Coverage Features

With medical costs spiraling out of control and the increase in shift to lifestyle diseases, healthcare today is at its all-time-high in terms of treatment costs. In the event of an unforeseen illness, you may have no option other than to utilize your hard - earned savings, built over throughout your life time. Finally, what’s more important than your health and what better way to protect it than with the right Health Insurance plan.

With HDFC ERGO’s Health Suraksha, a Health Insurance plan designed to provide optimum coverage for treatments including the pre and post hospitalization costs and much more. Ensures complete peace of mind with minimum out-of-pocket expenses. Now, make sure that you use your hard-earned savings for the real reasons – Be it your child’s higher education or his dream wedding, a well deserved family vacation or just about anything you dreamt of all your life.

Health Suraksha (HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Plan) Coverage Features

Schedule of Benefits - Individual & Family Floater
Basic Sum Insured Per Policy Year Rs. 200000; Rs. 300000; Rs. 400000
In-patient Treatment Covers hospitalisation expenses due to sickness or accident upto the Policy Sum Insured
Pre-hospitalization Pays for medical expenses incurred 60 days immediately before hospitalisation
Post-hospitalization Pays for medical expenses incurred 90 days immediately after the discharge post hospitalisation
Day Care Procedures Pays for 141 listed day care procedures which do not require 24 hours hospitalisation due to technological advancement
Domiciliary Treatment Pays for expenses incurred for medical treatment taken at home, on the advice of a physician
Organ Donor Pays for medical expenses for harvesting an organ donated
Emergency Ambulance (Limit per hospitalisation) Pays upto max. Rs. 2,000 for utilising an ambulance in an emergency
Ayurvedic / Homeopathic Pays for medical expenses for inpatient treatment under Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha or Homeopathy. Pays upto 20% of Sum Insured; Maximum Rs. 20,000 (for Policy Sum Insured 2L & 3L) and Rs. 25,000 (for policy Sum Insured Rs. 4L)
5% increase in Sum Insured for every claim free year; upto Maximum 50% 5% increase in Sum Insured for every claim free year; upto Maximum 50%
Health checkup Pays Upto 1% of Sum Insured; Max Rs. 5000

Want to know more or need assistance to select the best policy for your needs, fill up a simple form with QUICK APPLY and we shall revert to you with the best options available from the market!!!

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Insurance Must for Foreign Students in Delhi University

Announcement by Delhi University Foreign Students Registry has declared that All the Foreign students must have some medical insurance, having evacuation clauses, before joining the University.

In a notification on DU website, students have been adviced to seek admission and provide medical insurance papers, to be eligible to pursue courses in India's premier university.